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Family: N.O. Turneraceae
Latin name: Turenera aphrodisiaca
Common names: Damianin, Mexican Damiana, Turnera diffusa, Oreganillo, The Bourrique


Damiana is a small green shrub found throughout Mexico and Central America. Since ancient times, the indigenous peoples of this region have used the bittersweet leaves of Damiana as an aphrodisiac and for the smooth sedative effects.

Damiana is Mexico's herbal version of Viagra and not only consumed by men. Damiana has been used for centuries by Mexican women. They found that a cup of Damiana tea taken one or two hours before intercourse helped to immerse them in the sex act. 

Damiana is classified as a nervine tonic and benefits the genitourinary, gastro-intestinal and renal tracts by helping tone the mucous surfaces to provide a healthy reproductive system.

Damiana is used by Native to Oaxaca Mexico for strengthening the nervous and hormonal systems. Some claim that drunk as a tea it has a relaxing effect not-unlike low doses of cannabis. 

We selected the best of all Mexican Damiana " Damiana de California", only the tops and leaves are harvested while the plant is in flower to assure a high alkaloid content.

Damiana chemical composition is complex and not all components have been identified. However, the known make-up is 0.5-1% volatile oil, gonzalitosin (cyanogic glycoside), arbutin, tannin and damianin (a brown bitter substance). The leaf also contains beta-sitosterol, which may account for the stimulant effect on the sexual organs.

The effects of Damiana are to stimulate the genito-urinary tract, acting as aphrodisiac and also produces a euphoria like effect.

1. Louis J. Culling : In his book, 'A Manual of Sex Magic' ;a drink made from dried Damiana leaves and boiled in water that acts like a psychic aphrodisiac.
2. E.F. Steinmetz : 1960. Acta Phytother.; "relieve excess mental activity and nervous debility."
3. Hoffman, David, The New Holistic Herbal, Element Books Limited.1992. The pharmacology of the plant suggests that the alkaloids could have a testosterone-like actions.
4. Domínguez XA; Hinojosa M, Mexican medicinal plants. XXVIII. Isolation of 5-hydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxy-flavone from Turnera diffusa. Planta Med, 30: 1, 1976.
5. Leung, Albert and Steven Foster, 1996. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics, John Wiley & sons, Inc

NETTLES     Family: N.O. Urticanceae

The Nettle tribe, Urticaceae, is widely spread over the world and contains about 500 species, mainly tropical, though several, like our common Stinging Nettle, occur widely in temperate climates. Many of the species have stinging hairs on their stems and leaves. Two genera are represented in the British Isles, Urtica, the Stinging Nettles, and Parietaria, the Pellitory. Formerly botanists included in the order Urticaceae the Elm family, Ulmaceae; the Mulberry, Fig and Bread Fruit family, Moraceae; and that of the Hemp and Hop, Cannabinacece; but these are now generally regarded as separate groups.

Medicinal Action and Uses---The herb and flowers, either fresh or dried, have been used to make a decoction for checking any kind of haemorrhage.

The leaves are also useful to staunch wounds, when bruised and outwardly applied.

The dried herb, made into a tea and sweetened with honey, promotes perspiration and acts on the kidneys, being useful in cases of chill.

A novel treatment for diabetes was reported by a sufferer from that disease in the daily press of April, 1926, it being affirmed that a diet of young Nettles (following a two days' fast) and drinking the brew of them had been the means of reducing his weight by 6 stone in three days and had vastly improved his condition.

Culpepper and the old herbalists tell us that the Archangel is an exhilarating herb, that it 'makes the heart merry, drives away melancholy, quickens the spirits, is good against the quartan agues, stauncheth bleeding at the mouth and nose if it be stamped and applied to the nape of the neck.'


- Anabolic Steroids - Ashwagandha - Echinacea - Epimedium - Ginkgo -

- Sarsaparilla - Saw Palmetto - Steroids Saponins - Suma - Yohimbe -



Prolonged use of anabolic steroids severely damages the liver which is responsible for metabolizing testosterone. Testosterone that is formed in the testes can only be used by the body's receptors after it is metabolized by the liver. Consequently as the liver disintegrates so does the libido.

It has been reported in FDA Drug Bulletin (October 1987) that in males, some of the additional side effects of anabolic steroid use includes: enlarged prostate, breast enlargement and testicular atrophy with subsequent sterility or significantly decreased sperm count.



An East Indian sexual tonic herb long regarded as promoting fertility and sexual potency. It is a primary strengthening tonic used in Ayurvedic science. It is safe, non-irritating and will not over stimulate sexual energy.



This herb has been found to protect healthy cells from viral and bacterial attack by stimulating activity in the immune system in general and T-cells - which attack pathogens and toxins - in particular.



The Chinese name is Yin Yang Huo. It is indicated for impotence, stimulating sexual activity and sperm production. Should not be used for prolonged periods of time.



Being a reliable peripheral vasodilator, Ginkgo has been shown to be an excellent agent for treating arterial erectile dysfunction. It has a direct effect on endothelial cells which enhance blood flow of both penile arteries and veins without any change in systemic blood pressure. The first signs of improved blood supply and regained potency can be seen after 6 to 8 weeks. Continue treatment up to 6 months.



Hormonal precursor which is used to increase energy, protect against harm from radiation exposure, regulate hormones, and it also contains diuretic properties.. Useful for frigidity, hives, impotence, infertility, nervous system disorders, premenstrual syndrome, and disorders caused by blood impurities.



Acts as a diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Stimulates the appetite. Inhibits the production of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that contributes to enlargement of the prostate. Good for poor appetite and prostate disorders. Also enhances sexual functioning and desire.



Steroidal saponins are anabolic steroid precursors that the body can use to manufacture for itself the desired growth hormones to build itself naturally and healthy. These plant (steroid precursor) constituents are not actively anabolic themselves, they are building blocks that the body can use to build its own anabolic steroids. These plant steroid precursors will not push the body beyond its normal limits.

Plants that provide natural anabolic steroidal precursors are Wild Yam, Sasparilla, Licorice, Damiana, Yucca and Saw Palmetto. Saw Palmetto is actually more of a sexual organ tonic so it is used more to support male testosterone production. Ginseng also has the steroidal saponins, it is quite epwensive, and the steroidal saponins in the less expensive Wild Yam and Sasparilla have a closer chemical construction to the anabolic steroids. each of these plants can be taken individually or in combination, as teas or tinctures. Take 1 cup of tea or 15 - 25 drops of tincture in the morning and evening.



Good for supporting adrenal glands. Also combats anemia, fatigue and stress. Acts as an immune system booster that may help to prevent cancer. Good for AIDS, cancer, liver disease, high blood pressure, and weakened immune system.



Yes, Yohimbe can serve as a sexual aid for men suffering with poor sexual response and/or impotence. Yohimbe is a West African stimulating aphrodisiac, whose actions have a direct effect on the sexual centers of the spinal cord increasing tonicity, possibly stimulating male potency. It is proven to cause penile erection giving relief of impaired sexual function, also giving increased sexual appetite. Impotence or functional origin is directly influenced by it.

Yohimbe is a mild toxic plant and should not be used unreservedly until science can reveal more about it. No evidence shows it to be anabolic, merely stimulating. It is frequently adulterated in commercial products, with some other plant used in its place.


1. Green, James Herbalists, et al., "Male Herbal Health Care For Men & Boys," Herbs and Anabolic Steroids: 132, 133, 139, (1991).
2. Balch, James F. M.D. and Blach, Phyllis A. C.N.C. et al., "A-to-Z Guide to Suppliments" Sasparilla: 215, 216 (1998)
3. Mindell, Earl and Mundis, Hester, et al., "Vitamin Bible" Echinacea: 149, (1985, 1991)
4. Balch, James F. M.D. and Blacj, Phyllis A. C.N.C. et al., "A-to-Z Guide to Suppliments" Saw Palmetto: 216 (1998)
5. Balch, James F. M.D. and Blach, Phyllis A. C.N.C. et al.,"A-to-Z Guide to Suppliments" Suma: 218 (1998)

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